Apr 6, 2010

CA: Lussenheide "Lower Taxes = More Government Revenue"

From the Constitution Party discussion forum, an article by Bill Lussenheide, Candidate US Congress CA-45:
Amazingly, our nation went to war with England at what started with a tax on stamps and paper! We are well beyond just taxing stamps and paper.

But some would offer the concept that government really does need that money. I would argue strongly against that idea, as the growth of government always leads to a loss of freedom.

But lets suppose for a minute that I actually was a fan of the government receiving more revenue. The pragmatic answer to that problem would be the following… TAX LESS and HAVE MORE GOVERNMENT REVENUE!

I know it sounds insane at first, but the economic truth is out there for anyone to find. World-renowned economist Art Laffer in his landmark economic research has demonstrated conclusively that lower tax rates actually improve government revenue by expanding and simplifying the economy.

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