Jun 11, 2010

CA: Green Party Supports Lawsuits and Initiatives to Nullify Prop 14

From IPR:
Greens support lawsuit, consider initiative to nullify Prop. 14; Measure is a clear example of how big money buys California elections, charges Green Party gubernatorial nominee. 
The Green Party of California’s gubernatorial nominee Wednesday called the passage of Prop. 14 and near victories of Prop. 16 and 17 clear examples of how big money is buying elections in California, using tens of millions of dollars to mislead voters. The state’s most progressive political party said it is mulling its options after Tuesday, including joining a lawsuit to overturn Prop.14 and a possible statewide initiative to nullify it.

1 comment:

Solomon Kleinsmith said...

This is what those fools that drafted and supported this bill get for putting the top two line in there.

I hope they tear this garbage up and get actually open primaries passed.