Jun 15, 2010

MA: Jill Stein Argues for "Real Change"

Via GPW, Green gubernatorial candidate Jill Stein makes the case for "real change" in an op-ed:

As we look around us this summer, it is clear that we badly need to change direction. From the massive oil spill devastating the Gulf, to the Wall Street bailouts, Main Street layoffs, and skyrocketing health care costs — the jury is in. Our leaders are taking us down the wrong path. We need change now.
Fortunately, you can vote for real change this year in the race for governor of Massachusetts. I’m running against three insider candidates awash in campaign donations from wealthy special interests and corporate lobbyists who want to protect business as usual. These insider candidates have also been a part of the big parties that deregulated the financial industry, promoted dangerous oil drilling, wasted billions on misguided wars, and orchestrated a massive transfer of wealth from middle class and working families to the richest Americans. So if you’re OK with the bailouts, the layoffs, the ripoffs and payoffs, then you should vote for a “major” candidate. You can count on them to give you more of the same.

But if you want to vote for a real change in direction, then vote for me.

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