Jan 5, 2010

From the News Pages: A Quick Roundup

The Constitution Party has released its newsletter for January 2010, which makes a case against conservative accommodation with the Republican Party:
the GOP has won seven out of the previous ten Presidential elections. They have controlled Supreme Court appointments for the past thirty-plus years. They have appointed the majority of Treasury secretaries and Federal Reserve chairmen. They have presided over the greatest trade imbalances, the biggest deficits, the biggest spending increases, and now the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression. Not to dismiss the untold numbers who have perished because of the undeclared preemptive wars of aggression they have set in motion and the abortion on demand they have done nothing to stop, the oppressive Patriot Act they pressed into law, etc. ad nauseam….
In the Green Party pages, we find an article from The Columbus Dispatch reporting that four parties other than the Republicans and Democrats will retain ballot access in Ohio this year: the Libertarian, Green, Socialist and Constitution Parties:
Candidates from as many as six political parties could be on the ballot for governor or other offices in Ohio this year.  Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner issued a directive last week continuing ballot access for the Libertarian, Green, Socialist and Constitution parties in addition to the Democratic and Republican parties.  The decision allows candidates of the four minor parties to qualify for the ballot under their party labels. Officials of the parties say they expect to have candidates for governor, Congress and other state and local offices this year.
The Memphis Flyer reports on a debate between the GOP and Independent candidates vying for a vacant House seat in Tennessee's District 83.

At the Libertarian Party Blog, Wes Benedict provides his new year's resolutions, among them: 
I resolve to persevere in the struggle for freedom that many Americans have undertaken tirelessly, and in some cases have given their lives for.  I resolve to vote for Libertarian candidates whenever I can.  I resolve to keep reminding people that every vote for a Libertarian makes a difference.  I resolve not to forget that Republicans voted for the banker bailouts and Medicare expansion, and that Democrats voted for the Patriot Act and the Iraq War.  I resolve not to be fooled by "independent" organizations who say they want to "take back government for the people," but who really just want to use government power for their own purposes.
In the Modern Whig pages, Revolutionary Independent profiles the Transpartisan Alliance and the Modern Whig Party, writing:
Do you consider yourself a moderate?  Or maybe an independent?  Are you happy with the actions of the US Congress? . . . If Americans are truly fed up with the partisan BS being played in Washington, then why not look for an alternative?
Finally, the Pirate Party Blog links a Youtube video explaining DMCA abuse:

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