Jan 21, 2010

PA: Independent Candidate for Congress Continues to Challenge "Republocrats"

Independent candidate for Congress in Pennsylvania's 15th CD, Jake Towne, continues an aggressive media strategy challenging his Democratic and Republican rivals:
Over the past two months, the campaign has industriously sent over 10 press releases to the local press, but none have been picked up by the mainstream newspapers. While these topics center on the economy, the campaign has addressed timely issues such as health care and the Haiti disaster . . .

Towne for Congress is the first congressional race to advertise in the district, although the Republocrat candidates are obtaining front page coverage like in today's newspaper that covers how the Democrat is avoiding talking on foreign policy and domestic issues like health care. (The Republican is the incumbent, otherwise he might be following the same strategy.) However, a sentence at the end of the article did credit the campaign: "Independent candidate Jake Towne has taken the opposite tack, producing reams of position papers and opinion pieces on issues in an effort to raise his campaign's profile." Unfortunately, the reporter did not elaborate on exactly what those positions are. Towne for Congress challenged both career politicians to a debate in November of last year and has not received a response from either campaign.
 In the campaign's current release, Towne declares his support for Ron Paul's HR 4248.

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