Jan 10, 2010

Whig: Environmental Policy is National Security Policy

In Springfield Missouri's News Leader, Whig Party coordinator Aubrey Jack Young offers a Modern Whig view on cap and trade, arguing that environmental policy is a national security issue:
Why take those energy sources we currently use, heavily tax them and by doing so, raise our monthly cost to fuel our cars, heat and air condition our homes? You're right, it doesn't make sense and yet we have a bill in Congress that currently will do so. As we know, it is called the cap and trade bill. (H.R.2454)Yes, we need to move to alternative energy sources as our current domestic sources are estimated to only last 150 years as we understand it at this time. So the alternative energy sources of solar, wind, biofuels and nuclear energy are the way to go in the future. However, for the most part, except for biofuel and nuclear energy, they are not totally viable at this time due to limitations in design and efficiency. Yet, though challenged, we can get these alternative energy sources up and running within 50 years and move slowly from the dependence on oil and coal that fuel our energy needs today . . .
The Modern Whig Party has a tenet for energy and national security.Why did we lump the environment with national security? Because elimination of our dependency on foreign oil is a national security issue as it takes away a significant amount of cards from our enemies. For example, cartels are illegal in the U.S. but, at the same time, we rely on the OPEC cartel for our oil. Expedited funding and research into viable green technology is part of the answer. It also is a major developing industry where we can make lots of money and create tons of jobs.

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