Feb 13, 2010

Columnist: Disaffected Illinois Voters Could Go Green

In the Chicago Sun Times, Carol Marin writes:

Happy Valentine's Day to the Illinois Green Party. Their Valentine arrived early in the form of the Feb. 2 primary. Why? Because the dreadfully low turnout coupled with extremely tight races on both the Democratic and Republican sides suggest that voters might actually be in search of a candidate called "None of the Above."  That's what Phil Huckelberry believes anyway. Huckelberry, 33, chairs the Illinois Green Party, and he sees a tide slowly turning its way. You might think that sounds ridiculous but hang on.  Illinois has had only a short courtship with the Greens since they fielded their first slate of statewide candidates in 2006. And their candidate for governor that year (and this year), Rich Whitney, did well enough against Rod Blagojevich and Judy Baar Topinka to pick up 10.4 percent of the total vote.

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