Feb 17, 2010

MA: College Student to Run for State Legislature as Independent Libertarian

From the Metro West Daily News:
Although he may not have much experience, a 19-year-old Holliston resident said he'll run against state Rep. Carolyn Dykema because he's tired of political business as usual.
"On a nationwide scale, personally I'm kind of fed up with the way things are going," said Jonathan Loya, a 19-year old political science major at UMass-Lowell. "So I said, 'You know what? I'm gonna go for it."' Loya, who is running as an independent, says the two-party system is broken. He says a fresh, independent path needs to be taken in solving the state's and the country's problems. Loya, a member of the Libertarian Party state committee, is focusing his campaign around a handful of issues: bringing down taxes, eliminating wasteful spending, creating jobs, reforming education and eliminating environmental hazards.

1 comment:

Ross Levin said...

Progressive Party state rep David Zuckerman (from Burlington) first ran as a college student at UVM. He just barely lost and won the next time he ran.