Mar 15, 2010

Cynthia McKinney: Democratic-Republican Leaders Lack "Respect of Rule of Law"

Cynthia McKinney writes in the UK's Independent:

I heard candidate Obama's speeches and knew that he would be a War President. What I did not realise was the extent to which the policies of President Obama would mirror those of his predecessor, including the renewal of the Patriot Act and commission of war crimes. Sadly, President Obama's Justice Department is now in US courts defending the criminal acts of the Bush administration.

In his State of the Union address to the nation, President Obama defended war, erosion of civil and human rights, creation of the police state, ignoring the US Constitution and the norms of international law, by invoking the tragedy of 11 September, 2001. Tony Blair also leaps to his own criminal defence by invoking 9/11. All of us in the peace community, who stand for justice and human dignity, have become victims of 9/11.

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