Apr 13, 2010

Progressive Blogger: "Support Dennis Spisak for Ohio Governor"

From El Duderino at Firedoglake:

I am asking FDL to formally endorse Green Party candidate Dennis Spisak for governor of Ohio. This is not something I write lightly. I am deadly serious about this. We on the left continually complain about how corrupt and ineffectual Democrats are, and we speak of strong primary challenges from the left, but in the end, the primaries fail or worse, never materialize in the first place. And we end up repeating the same old song and dance every election cycle.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Democrats will continue to take the left for granted as long as they are confident that come November, we will always cave in and support the "lesser" of two evils (which has rightly been called the evil of two lessers). They will not deviate from taking us for granted until we make it clear that they can no longer do so.

I live in the Buckeye State, and it is usually the first to be hit whenever economic disaster strikes and the last to recover. We went from having a disastrously mediocre Republican governor to a disastrously milquetoast Democrat governor, and we have yet to see any light at the end of the tunnel . . .  

I am asking FDL to formally support and endorse Green Party candidate Dennis Spisak for governor. (You can read his blog here.)

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