Apr 22, 2010

VT: Independent Todd Pritsky Gets Blog Boost in Campaign

The prominent liberal blog Eschaton urges readers:
Everybody go and support Atriot Todd Pritsky in his run for the Vermont House. Go NTodd!
Pritsky is running as an independent for Vermont Representative for Franklin 2.  From his campaign website:
It is time...
  • For a sustainable economy - Vermont needs clean energy, green jobs, local agriculture, improved telecommunications infrastructure
  • For restoring our Constitution - States can take back their authority to fight the PATRIOT Act, FISA, the destruction of habeas corpus, Federal restrictions on healthcare reform experimentation
  • For leaving Afghanistan and Iraq - The Guard must stop occupying other countries, instead protecting our freedoms, helping in crisis, raising their families here at home
  • For fair elections - Democracy requires more choices than wealthy Democrats and Republicans, no more corporations outspending the People, public campaign financing, instant runoff voting
  • For universal healthcare - Government's job is to protect and promote the General Welfare, and our right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
This is a grassroots campaign which will rely not only on electronic media but more importantly on the passion and creativity of countless people.  As a challenger for one of two House seats, and an underdog by virtue of my independent status not to mention lack of name recognition, I need a lot of help from Vermonters I run into along the way.

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