May 1, 2010

FL: Tea Party Candidate to Run for Congress

From a press release from the Florida Tea Party, thanks to Darcy Richardson for the tip:
Incumbent Polk County County Commissioner, the Honorable Randy Wilkinson today accepted the TEA PARTY nomination for the United States Congress, District 12. Wilkinson has been elected to one term on the Polk County School Board and three consecutive terms to the Polk County Commission. 

Wilkinson has won four elections to public office.  All races were county-wide in Polk County; Florida’s ninth most populous county out of 67 counties.  “We are very pleased to nominate Commissioner Wilkinson for this open Congressional seat and we anticipate that he will join Peg Dunmire in the United States Congress on November 2,” stated TEA PARTY Chairman Fred O’Neal.  Dunmire is the TEA PARTY nominee for the US Congress, District 8 and Miami businessman Roly Arrojo is the TEA PARTY nominee for the US Congress in District 24.  Wilkinson also becomes the first TEA PARTY elected official in Florida and the nation.

Wilkinson has attended many tea party events over the past year and has been a guest speaker at Tea Party rallies.  The Tea Party (TEA) released its financial records for the last quarter.  To date, the TEA PARTY has raised a grand total of $110,453.96.  That total includes both in-kind and cash donations.  Cash on hand for the TEA PARTY is in excess of $20,000.  
To date over 200 individuals have contributed to the TEA PARTY, with over half of those donors in April (not included in the report ending March 31, 2010). 

Some notable TEA PARTY contributors include: Larry Guest (former Sentinel columnist): The Honorable Frank Messersmith (former Republican State House Leader); Richard Lee (son of the legendary milk dairy farm owner-TG Lee); The Honorable Rod Reynolds (former Winter Garden City Commissioner); The Honorable Carol Nichols (former Winter Garden City Commissioner) and Charles Klein, the former State Chairman of the Veterans Party (Florida). 

The TEA PARTY is an official political party in the State of Florida and is authorized by the Secretary of State to file TEA PARTY candidates in the November 2010 general election.  The official ballot designation is TEA which will follow the name of each TEA candidate.  The TEA PARTY is the first in the nation to obtain new party status.  Fifteen other states are in the process of establishing TEA PARTY political parties in their respective states.  The most recent political TEA PARTY to organize is the New York TEA PARTY which is being organized by Michael Caputo, the political consultant to Everett Wilkinson of the South Florida Tea Party organization and a prominent tea party leader. 
More information can be obtained at the following website:

1 comment:

Richard said...

I find it very disingenuous when the political third party Florida Tea Party compares itself favorably to the real Tea Party Movement or leads people to believe they are one in the same. These are two completely different entities. They are about the same as a motorcycle and a fig newton. The Tea Party Movement is a pure grassroots enterprise whose name has been hijacked by the political third party Florida Tea Party. From the beginning the political Florida Tea Party has been run by, to say the least , dubious fringe political figures. Fred O'Neil was a registered Democrat when he registered the Tea Party name as a Florida third party. In the past he has supported both Obama and Grayson and he owes the IRS almost $150,000 in back taxes for which the IRS has a lien on his property. He's not the only shady character at the head of the political Florida Tea Party, seems he is nothing more than a sycophant for Doug Guetzloe. Getzloe has a sordid past reportedly of tampering with elections and bribery. This opportunists main goal is personal profit. He and his servile cohort Nick Egoroff have both been suspended from the Republican Executive Committee. The puppet candidates this group fields can be viewed as nothing more than products of their handlers and stigmatized by a total lack of integrity that rubs off of these characters who aren't looking to work for the people they already have a job working for their personal enrichment.