May 14, 2010

IL: Daily Kos Colludes in Corporate Media Blackout of Green Party

From Windy Citizen:
In the category of 'Expected, but still Very Upsetting' is the Daily Kos poll for Illinois Governor. They include Scott Lee Cohen (who is not yet on the ballot--but would like to be) and do not include established Green party candidate, Rich Whitney (who is definitely on the ballot).
Meanwhile, at IPR, Ross Levin relays results from polls that include candidates who are viable alternatives to the corporatist stooges of the Democratic and Republican Parties:
A new poll from We Ask America puts Green Party US Senate candidate in Illinois LeAlan Jones’ support at 5.32 percent, while gubernatorial candidate Rich Whitney (who received over 10 percent of the vote in 2006) at 4.81 percent.  In a similar poll just for the Senate race in March, 3.59 percent of respondants supported Jones (it’s also worth noting that there is a poll from mid-March in various swing districts in Illinois that includes Green candidates).

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