Jun 7, 2010

CA: Darryl Perry Against Top Two

From IPR and Darryl Perry at Free Patriot Press:
Christina Tobin of StopTopTwo.org states, “What the ballot language fails to mention is that in the election that counts, the general election, we wont be able to choose “any candidate”. We’ll have only two choices — and if you want to write in a name, forget it. Write-in votes will be banned. An odd way to “increase the right to participate” !

In reality, we’re being sold the illusion of participation. A blanket primary like Top Two requires more money to win, making the influence of money even greater. Then, the candidates with the most special interest money will be our ONLY choices in November.” Unlike Prop 62 which Californians voted down in 2004, Prop 14 would curtail “the ability of voters to cast a write-in vote for anyone they wish in the general election,” states Richard Winger, “If this passes, California would be one of only 7 states in which no voter could cast a write-in vote for Congress or state office in a November election, and have that write-in counted.” And Proposition 62 had a provision in it to make it easier for smaller parties to remain ballot qualified , “It it (Prop 14) becomes law, the only way a party will be able to remain on the ballot will be to have registration above 1% of the last gubernatorial vote.”

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