Jun 22, 2010

FL: Florida Whig Party Endorses Snitker, Calls on Head of State's Press Association to Resign

From the Florida Whig Party:

Alexander Snitker said: “I'd like to make a statement. I think denying a person who served eight years in the United States Marine Corps defending your right to have this today...is an atrocity.” Snitker admonished the assembled press, saying, “You keep saying that career politicians are the problem, and you're only going to allow career politicians and a billionaire on stage. You want to talk about the tea party candidate? It's not Marco Rubio – it's Alexander Snitker.”
Alexander Snitker is the first Libertarian to appear on the ballot for the United States Senate in the State of Florida and deserves equal treatment. Many Libertarian candidates, and other minor party candidates, have often been ignored by a biased media that is dependent upon the advertising revenues of millionaires and billionaires who seek office. Shame on Dean Ridings and the Florida Press Association for intentionally restricting free speech, public debate, and the public's right to know all the candidates and issues.

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