Jul 12, 2010

CO: Independent's Campaign for US House to Focus on Jobs

From the Coloradoan:

Ken "Wasco" Waszkiewicz will be an independent candidate on this fall's 4th Congressional District ballot, the Colorado secretary of state announced Thursday, meaning Northern Colorado voters will have a choice of five congressional candidates. . . . Other candidates who will be on the 4th Con- gressional District ballot are Democratic incumbent Betsy Markey, Republican Cory Gardner, American Constitution Party candidate Doug Aden and Libertarian Jassen Bowman.

Waszkiewicz, 38, works for the Fort Collins city traffic department. He said his daughter's birth in November prompted him to run for Congress.  "I think that was when I realized that I no longer can dodge this, the problems I see with the government, the way the country's going. Now I have more responsibility," he said.  He said the nation's biggest issue is jobs.

"I would start with the electrical grid ... to be able to get that up to speed so that, say, the East Coast isn’t running out of power because there’s a heat wave going on. That’s ridiculous. I don’t think in 2010 we should be having power outages,” he said.

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