Jul 16, 2010

Otter Limits Puts Spotlight on Third Parties

The Otter Limits blog has begun a series of posts spotlighting various third parties, including the Constitution Party, the Boston Tea Party and the Modern Whig Party.  On the Modern Whigs, Otter writes:
Something that appeals to me about this party is their focus on state's rights.  In their tenet on Fiscal responsibility they state that their philosophy "is to empower the states with the resources to handle their unique affairs" and in their tent on States' rights they state that "Each state can determine its course of action based on local values and unique needs."

I really like the idea of letting the states handle most of its affairs and making the federal government handle only what it is prescribed to do so in the United States Constitution. You remember that? The document our country was founded on?


Otter Limits said...

Thanks for shedding light on my blog. I will be posting more Third Party spotlight articles in the future.

Otter Limits said...

And kudos to you on a great blog the spotlights Third Parties and Independents!

d.eris said...

Thanks Otter! I'm looking forward to the future posts.

Otter Limits said...

Just did another this morning about the Green Party.