Sep 18, 2010

German Pirate Party Leaks Files Documenting Plans for European Surveillance State

From Slashdot:
"The German Pirate Party has disclosed some secret documents on how the EU is planning to monitor citizens. The so called INDECT Documents describe how a seamless surveillance could (or should) be implemented across Europe. The use of CCTV cameras, the Internet (social networks), and even the use of UAVs are mentioned as data sources. Two of the nine documents can be downloaded from the German Pirate Party's website (PDFs in English)."
From the Pirate Party Germany:

George Orwell's 1984: The Lost Pages
In Zusammenarbeit mit der deutschen Piratenpartei wurde heute von der futurezone ein enthüllender Artikel über das EU-Projekt INDECT veröffentlicht. Er basiert auf internen Fortschritts- und Planungsdokumenten, die den Piraten zugespielt wurden. Diese werden der Öffentlichkeit bewusst vorenthalten: Aufgrund vielfältiger Kritik beschlossen die Projekt-Verantwortlichen kürzlich sogar eine neue Geheimhaltungsstufe. Welche Daten an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen, beschließt ab jetzt ein INDECT-"Ethikrat".


Anonymous said...

it ain't secret at all. These documents and much more are all available on the project web site (no logging in needed) so I don't get what's up with this whole 'secret' thing. link below

d.eris said...

That's not correct, Anonymous. Indect does have a lot of documents online, but the Pirate Party report is based on internal progress reports and planning documents from the group. The PP also reports that Indect's ethics council is making a case for less transparency and openness in future, and has potentially already begun scrubbing documents from its website.

Anonymous said...

yadda yadda... where are those leaked docs with this cruel plans you've mentioned?

d.eris said...

bla bla bla. So you're just leaving anonymous comments on this story without actually having read the reports at the links? If you had, here's the report from Futurezone you would have seen, entitled, "The Disappeared Papers," you can read it for yourself: