Oct 12, 2010

A Progressive Case for Political Independence

From FireDogLake:
When I was a registered Democrat, both major parties despised me — the Republicans because I was a Democrat, and the Democrats because I am a true lefty and they’ve moved so far to the right that they may as well be Republicans, and they can’t stand being reminded that their base expects them to represent the left. Now that I’m a Green, they can’t get enough of my ass. This is confusing because neither major party has bothered to do its homework on independent voters. Rather than recognize us as the ideologically disparate people we are, with some holding left-wing beliefs while others hold right-wing ones, they lump us into some indescribable muddle . . .

as Democrats, you are absolutely nothing to your own party. You vote how you’re told to vote, and if you dare complain about woefully inadequate policy positions, you’re "on drugs", "whiny", "irresponsible", "petulant" "children". Re-register as a Green, or a Socialist, or a Progressive, or a Communist, or Libertarian or Constitution, and watch how fast the major party politicians flood your mailboxes.

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