May 17, 2011

GOP Dead-Enders Plead with Libertarians to Abandon their Party

The dead-enders of the Republican party are pleading with Libertarians to abandon the Libertarian party in particular and third parties in general, and instead vote for the GOP.  At the Bastiat Institute, Matt Welch responds:
I'm certainly no LPer, but my answer to this is a three-part "no." 1) I want more, not fewer, political groupings competing for my vote. 2) The presidency is just one of, what, more than a half-million elected offices in the United States? When we no longer have uncontested elections for Congress (a shockingly routine occurrence in Southern California, for example), let alone state and local offices, then maybe I'll be more open to the idea of contraction. Though probably not. And 3) while I'm seriously thrilled that there is so much libertarian flavoring in the current stew of GOP politics, it's going to take more than some scattered brave talk during the wilderness years to make me forget the explicitly anti-libertarian strategizing and governance of GOP scoundrels from 1997-2008. Unilateral disarmament at this time does not strike me as advisable . . .


A Conservative Teacher said...

Okay, then vote libertarian, and then pat yourself on the back for your enlightened opinions on the issue while the greater of the evils thanks you and laughs at you for voting libertarian instead of for the libertarian running as a Republican. Reality is that we have a two party system in America, and if you don't like it, go back to Russia.

d.eris said...

lol . . . spoken like a true dead-ender of the duopoly parties . . .

Okay, then vote Republican, and then pat yourself on the back for voting for a candidate who you're willing to support simply because they're a bit less evil than the Democrat.

Reality is that Republican-Democrat party politics represents a grave threat to political freedom and independence in the United States, and if you prefer a one-party state, perhaps you should check out Russia.

TiradeFaction said...

Hell D.eris, he should check out the People's Republic of China (Not to be confused with the Republic of China, a different nation), most don't realize it's a bona fide two party state there as well (The other party being the "United Front"), they just do away with the bullshit theatrics and tell the citizens up front it's all rigged by the Politburo. Ahh, restricted (non) Democracies are fun ;)