From the inaugural post at the
NV Modern Whigs:
LAS VEGAS — The Modern Whig National Executive Committee has appointed Mike Bergstrom of Winnemucca as the acting Modern Whig chairperson in Nevada. Bergstrom will act as the point of contact for Nevada residents seeking an alternative political party with a common sense approach.
The Modern Whig Party is a reformation of the Whig Party of the 1800s, modernized to fit the current political atmosphere. The party was officially revived by veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on February 12, 2009—the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, a member of the original Whig Party. While members of the Modern Whig Party are proud of their historic roots, they are fully committed to the modern citizen. Their members consist of men and women from every corner of the country who embrace mainstream ideals as independent-minded voters.
The Modern Whig Party was formed out of necessity for a party without the polarizing aspects common in the nation’s current political climate. It supports social progression and fiscal responsibility while maintaining mainstream values. The Modern Whig Party is also adamant in rejecting fringe ideas, making it an appealing choice for those unsatisfied with the current two-party system.
Bergstrom, the newly appointed chair of the Nevada chapter, will coordinate the rapid growth of the party by being the Modern Whig spokesperson in Nevada, by promoting the Modern Whig philosophy, and by enabling the growth of a Whig network in Nevada from which volunteers, coordinators and citizen representatives will grow.
Contact Bergstrom at For more information, please visit the Modern Whig Party at and the Nevada site at
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