Jan 12, 2010

OH: Constitution Party Candidate to Challenge Moderate Republican for the Conservative Vote

The Hill profiles centrist Republican Steve Stivers, who is reaching out to conservative groups in the hopes of unseating Ohio Democrat Mary Kilroy this November.  Yet, conservatives in Ohio's 15th CD need not settle for the lesser of two evils on election day.  The Constitution Party candidate in the district, David Ryon, explains his decision to challenge the two-party status quo:

I am announcing that I have decided to run in the Constitution Party primary. I realized that change will only come when there is a change in Washington D.C.'s leadership. The two oldest parties have held control over our governments for the past 150+ years. We keep electing them into office expecting a different result that will never come.

The lines between the two major parties have become blurred to the point they represent the left and right wings of the same party.  Obama promised change on the premise of "YES WE CAN". Can means only they have the ability to change; They lack the willpower.

I have selected to run in the Constitution Party because they promise true change for all Americans. The Constitution Party offers change that will bring us back on to the road of Life. Peace and Prosperity for all.  As a candidate for the Constitution Party, I offer: "Yes, we will."

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