Mar 10, 2010

NV: Independent American Party Files Slate of 48 Candidates

From Independent American News:

Three Independent American Party candidates will be filing with the Secretary of State in Carson City on Wednesday, March 10 at 9am. The three candidates include: John Wagner for Secretary of State, Merritt “Ike” Yochum for Washoe State Senate District 4, and Cody Quirk for Capital Senate District.
The Independent American Party Candidate List filed with the Secretary of State now contains forty-eight candidates which is many more than any year since 2002 when founder Dan Hansen was in a fatal truck accident. We anticipate that we may exceed the record of 50 candidates set in 2002.
“We have had numerous candidates contact us and ask to be approved to run as Independent Americans. Many of our candidates are running for local offices where they have an excellent chance of winning. People are looking for an honest alternative to the Twin Party’s failure to represent the people,” stated John Wagner State Chairman of the Independent American Party and candidate for Secretary of State. “Our party represents going back to the basics of limited Constitutional government, which leads to economic prosperity.”

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