Apr 12, 2010

We Want Liberty: GOP "Has Never Been a Conservative Party"

From We Want Liberty a short history of the GOP's horrid record of "conservatism":
Thanks to the campaigns of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, most conservative Americans have been convinced that the Republican Party is the home of conservative values in the United States. However, once you reflect upon the true history of the Republican Party, you will easily see that this is nothing more than a lie . . .

The Republican Party has never been a conservative party - they are a party with conservatives in it. Although I wish we'd follow George Washington's call for no political parties, my only choice for a party is the Constitution Party. The GOP's past and present can only convince me of the wisdom of my choice. If the nation falls for a Palin, a Romney, or a Perry, I fear that all will be lost - and it will be at the hands of the Republican Party.

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